Only Planet

One Child, One Year, One Planet. A family of three traveling around the world...

You can contact us at werkingwells (at) gmail . com

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Working on my platform

One of the things I have learned about being a paid writer is that people aren't likely to pay you to write, unless they know that others want to read your stuff. So, the beginning writer often does a lot of "freelance," with a heavy emphasis on the FREE, work.

I've been doing some writing where I can pick up the gigs, including doing feature articles for a health-based user group and a popular travel site. Here are just a couple samples of my recent work (health & travel)--see, not all the time I spend at Milo's is spent chatting with the staff!

Another leg to the platform that professional writers are expected to have these days is the blog. Of course you're aware of this blog since you're reading it now, but there are tons of blogs out there that are really great. The book Julie/Julia was inspired by the blog that the author wrote while tackling every recipe from Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I'm using this blog as a launching off for my own book, which is being reworked yet again. Should be a little less messy than pulling feathers out of ducks, right?!


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